5 Steps to Stop Cyberbullying

1. Save Every Hateful Message

You may think that by deleting the messages everything
is gone, but no, there will come a moment when you
will need proof that you are being cyberbullied by someone
and you will need all the messages, emails, or
web pages in which they insult you on to report them.

2.Never Participate

If you ever receive a hurtful message, do not reply, that
will only add more fuel to the fire, and that
will only get you more involved. What you say
on the Internet, stays on the Internet and if you 
say something when you're mad or sad,
you may then regret what  you said and
you won't be able to take it back.

3. Identify The Person Doing It

People can hide behind emails, screen names, or images,
but they are ways to figure out who they are. If
it's and email, check your inbox to see if you have ever
received an email before by them, if not, search for 
it in the email provider to find their profile, if it's
not private, you can view their name,
If this things don't work, tell your parents or
a teacher and most likely they can track the IP
address and get the exact location of the bully.

4. Approach Them In Person

A cyberbully hides behind their screen, and if you talk to 
them about it upfront they might even scare
away, if they don't seem intimidated and they want
to turn things violent or they threaten you, contact
and adult to intervene.

5. If The Case Is Severe, Press Charges

Bullying of any kind is illegal in a lot of countries. After 
letting parents get involved, allow them to contact the bully's
parents if the school has not already done it. If you've 
suffered severely from this, this bully can be suspended,
expelled or even arrested depending on how
severe the case is.

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